I don't understand why there are folks in this world who can do their job at 50%, and keep it, and get promotions and continue to earn their paycheck; at the same time screwing unsuspecting hardworking families with a simple slip of mind?! Who does that?!
I am sick of this sacrifice my husband makes for our family, still we are scraping by b/c someone somewhere forgot to file a form. If that had happened to me, I would have lost my job!!
Alright, I digress, b/c I know that at this current time, we are fortunate for him to be working, even if it means stretching the buck even further.
Today, on a particularly long ride, Elena asked me for clean pants b/c hers were wet. She said some milk had spillled, and she'd like dry pants. Glancing quickly into the mid-section of our Dodge van, I see nothing too alarming and so continue driving. Occasionally checking the smaller mirror attached to the rearview, I realize she is squeezing her sippy cup, and rubbing the soap (explanation later) onto it as well.
I too made the vow of 'No milk' in the car, to avoid the stench. However, they both had been doing so well with telling me they were done, I started to feel like I could I give in a bit. That is always a red-flag feeling, you would think I know that by now!! So I pull over, clean-up the minimal mess, but tell her we aren't changing her pants until we have reached our destination. That is the only natural consequence I can come up with right now. And oddly enough I hear the DCF alarm bells ringing in my head that this is inhumane, blah blah blah. Those bells ring when I have to pee at the gas station, and leave them in the car. Or when they are sleeping in the car and I need to run into to convenience store for milk. When I have to drop/pick up Elena at preschool, I am not not the only mum, with a sleeping child on my shoulder...Maybe we should all ban together and one of us will watch the sleeping kids in the cars, and the other mums can go get their kids and check in with the teachers. And we'll rotate this duty, so that we can get through the process in a more efficient manner.
Efficiency and productivity are 2 words that should be zapped from our brains during the birthing process....My reality would certainly be more in line with my mental state. I spent 20-30 minutes looking for my car keys the other day, after my kids were in their seats...After a few prayers to St. Anthony (and numerous retracing my steps in my brain) I realized I threw in the shopping bag, that I tied and threw in the back...Until next time, and always...AIM4 Peace
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