Friday, January 14, 2011

'So much to say So much to say So much to say So much to Say'--Dave Matthews Band

So we started the day at 3:30 a.m. one crying child, even in a hotel room with a spare closet sized room, means 2 children wide awake.  Because we are forever trying to cosleep with our second child, I brought her to bed with us.  Elena has slept with us for most of her life.  That is how much my husband travels.  So we continue to try with Emma, but she is soooo chatty, she always eventually ends up back in her own bed.  Fortunately, they both slept until 7, and watched PBS for another hour, giving me 4 more hours of sleep. Then breakfast...For those of you who haven't spent much time with your kids in a hotel dining room, there are millions of options for taking food to go; coffee cups with covers make great snack cups, and disposable sippies.  Some of the time the staff is really helpful and will encourage you to take fruit, which is great because on the road it can be really hard to provide a healthy diet. 
  After breakfast we went to a small local indoor play yard.  Let me just say this, in the 3 mums I spoke to to find this place, not one mentioned that there was a long steep stairwell, leading to the door.  Now, it was pretty well cleared of snow, so we managed to make it, except for one small injury.  Emmas finger got stuck between a hinge cover, and the rod the cover snaps onto.  I felt like such a sh!thea& because, while I wouldn't have stopped on the staircase, I could have stopped at the bottom, instead of pushing her inside, and then trying to figure it all out.  On a high note, the place was empty and things eventually came around.  But we left about a 1/2 hour later because the kids just weren't feeling well.  Mind you no one wanted to nap, but no one wanted to walk around outside.  We went for nuggets and fries at McDonalds; it makes my heart heavy just knowing I indulged them in that God awful meal.  BUT things got better, they didn't want anything to do with the nuggets meal I purchased.  My small victory was that I didn't eat it, we just tossed it.  But I was very clear with Elena that if she didn't at least eat 3 nuggets, next time she asked, we were not going to go.  And so, now we are off THAT hook for awhile. 
  My husband got his laundry done, amazingly enough.  Somehow that happened in our day.  We ran into a consignment store because I forgot to pack Elenas underwear.  NO!!  I wasn't going to buy her used undies, but occasionally they have new packs that were over stocked somewhere. 
  So now I am off to Walmart, to get Reese's b/c Elena stayed dry all day, and needs undies.  We'll see.  Sometimes I think it would be interesting to just be an observer of my life.  But of course it wouldn't be open for comment.  Until next time, and as always, especially in close quarters, AIM4Peas

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