Sunday, January 9, 2011

Play Doh at the Table

Today the girls are playing with play dough at the table, next to me.  Sometimes they are 'sleeping' (a.k.a up ripping the pages in their books) when I blog; today they are playing constructively.  We have had only 2...Oh wait, drama at the play dough table, Emma took the mini-pastry cups.  We have been working a lot with both girls on using their words, instead of getting upset, when they want something.  Emma's language skills are still emerging, but Elena's are at the point where she is looking for new words, expressions, practicing the verbal and non-verbal methods of communication. 
  Today the flu bug seems to have hit me as well, but thankfully, if I really limit my intake, and drink water, I feel okay.  I just can't go too far from a toilet.  I think I have found a solution to the consignment shop dilemma.  EBAY...It has worked so far, but really the only trip I'll need to take will be to the post office.  And if I can get my computer skills working, it appears as though I could do it all from home.  I am presently contemplating selling some baby clothes...Or taking a gamble, and spending some money for new stuff, and seeing how that sells...
  Friday night, as I was watching Supernanny, it occurs to me to research the question of cost for the death penalty, versus life in prison, versus educating our children.  What I could find immediately was that the litigating costs are what drives the arguement of the death penalty costing so much...Hmmm, the shot itself is quite inexpensive obviously, so....Hmm, I am just getting more and more curious about how my findings will go.  Perhaps I'll let you know.
  Finally, I am so looking forward to mindless TV tonight.  'Jerseylicious' (thank you to my grandparents for moving from NJ) and then 'Desperate Housewives', (thank you to Hollywood writers for creating this program). 
  Until next time....Aim4Peas

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