Thursday, January 27, 2011

So if obesity is an issue...

After many, many, many trips to various stores, both local and national, we have finally resigned ourselves to having to patch one very old air tube sled.  This is not such a big deal...It gives us a chance to save up for the sleds we really want!  But, it is interesting that in a nation so torn by the obesity epidemic, that stores in New England have sold out of sleds, minus a few of the type that seem to be unwanted remnants.  It is almost the end of January; does anyone remember the snow we got at the end of April a few years back?
  Yeah, I am a bit baffled by this lack of production myself.  The only thing I can think of is that video games cost more, so if you can't get out and enjoy yourself in a healthy, active manner then you might as well stay home and give your fine motor skills workout. 
  Which, come one on mums and dads, we are all gettting the same messages about media over exposure...

Take your pick from any line in the brief introduction to this site, and check out their articles on the site if you need evidence of that which I am speaking.  It is  no longer as simple as limiting TV time; it means limiting cell phone and computer use too.  My personal preference is to keep the computer as an educational and research tool; they'll have plenty of time to learn about the other options computers provide.  And don't they get that recreational technology time at school, in study hall or at a friends home?  Gives me chills just thinking about it!  Our children will have those cell phones that can only get calls from certain numbers, and can only make calls to certain numbers.  If you so choose, all of these make great reinforcers, but it can be a difficult transition to make when everyone in the house is used to it being an open media zone.  Best to start way is to limit their TV time right now.  Let them see you using your cell phone where it's appropriate.  
  For current parents, it is trying to avoid the constant inundation of outside influence on who you want your developing child to become.  And this does mean leading by example as well...There is nothing like a child to call your integrity into perspective.  While I really want to check my email during lunch, thereby limiting conversations with my girls as they eat, I want them to learn that meal times are a  time for sharing information, checking in, and talking about what has happened, and what will happen.  Trust me, if my husband thought he could get away with playing World of Warcraft in our house, he would.  But he understands that it sends a message to the girls we don't want them getting at this age. 
  While I often find myself on the opposing team to my husband, mother, mother-in-law, sisters-in-law, (take your pick)  with a little explanation my husband will generally come around.  Note the absence of the word 'happily' in my previous line.  When that doesn't work, if I find articles, or brief reading materials supporting my ideas that can also help him (and my mum, somtimes too, but that is a whole other blog).  And sometimes I just have to compromise!!
  As always, and with everyone in my life, I'm...AIMing4Peas 

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